HG Chilli Challenge
The Challenge
After getting our hands on some World Record Breaking Chilli seeds from Jürg Wiesli, the HydroGarden reps were keen to try themselves, so we decided to set them a challenge…and so the Chilli Challenge was born…
Each rep chose their own lights, system, nutrients and growing environment, here’s how they did it:
Throughout the challenge the reps’ will be assessed on their plant’s health, height and chilli length.
The Rules
The rules are simple:
- Each rep must visit their set up and tend to their plant at least once a week.
- Reps must use products sold by HydroGarden.
- They can change their set up at any point throughout the challenge, if it is documented and justified
What the Reps Used …
DALE – @dale.hydrogarden
I’m really passionate about Botanicare and wanted to use products I sell a lot on the road, this way I can talk to customers with first-hand experience.
- Brummie Bubbler
- Drip Ring
- Vitalink Clay Pebbles
- Lighthouse Tent
- RAM Inline Exhaust Fan 8
- RAM Inline Exhaust Fan 6
- LUMii BLACK 600W lamps
- LUMii BLACK Contacter Timer
- Botanicare KIND
- Botanicare HydroGuard
- Botanicare Sweet Raw
- SUPERthrive

ALEX – @alexhydrogarden
I chose to use the GoGro for my plant so I could put it to the test myself and get experience using it. VitaLink is the best nutrient on the market, in my opinion and combined with FEROCIOUS adding up to 30% in yield – I think I’m with a chance !
- GoGro
- Biobizz All-mix
- Seramis
- Polytunnel
- Umbrella
- Natural Sunlight
- VitaLink Earth Max
- SUPERthrive
- Ferocious

HARRY – @harryhydrogarden
I chose the 315 fixture because it uses some of the best technology in lighting, with a choice of two lamps. I know the Brummie Bubbler system well, it’s easy to use and maintain and I think it will be perfect for growing chillies. I’ve heard great things about the Botanicare range and wanted to give it a go myself. SUPERthrive is a fail-safe product that works with everything.
- Brummie Bubbler
- Vitalink Clay Pebbles
- 6inch RAM EC Exhaust Fan
- 6inch RAM Inline Exhaust Fan
- LightHouse Tent
- LUMii SOLAR 315 Fixture
- LUMii Pro and Gro Lamps
- Botanicare KIND
- Botanicare HydroGuard
- Botanicare Liquid Karma
- Botanicare Sweet RAW
- SUPERthrive

I wanted to choose a kit that is often seen as quite complicated to get a better understanding of it. I’ve tried the Brummie Bubbler before and when I asked people in the industry on Instagram, the Aeros kist seemed to be the next step.
- Aeros
- Vitalink Clay Pebbles
- BOYU Chiller
- RAM Heavy Duty Pedestal Fan
- Natural Sunlight
- Botanicare Pure Blend Pro
- Botanicare Rhizoblast
- SUPERthrive

KYLE – @kyle_hydrogarden
I wanted my trial to be as natural and low maintenance as possible, while testing out some shop nutrients.
- Brummie Bubbler
- Drip Ring
- CANNA Aqua Clay
- BOYU Chiller
- BOYU Chiller
- RAM Heavy Duty Pedestal Fan
- Natural Sunlight
- CANNA Aqua A and B
- Budwiser

Late Entry
DANNY – @dannyhydrogarden
I chose the Gemini system because it is low maintenance and a really forgiving system for chilli growing. I want to show that this system is perfect for hydroponic growing whether you’re a beginner or expert. CANNA speaks for itself, it’s the perfect base stimulator. VitaLink Chill should be used by EVERYONE in the summer ! It;s the difference in your crop surviving the heat or not. SUPERthrive will also help battle the stress cause by heat, while Pest Off will help me keep those pesky aphids away !
- PLANT!T Gemini System
- VitaLink Clay Pebbles
- Modified Dripper ring (larger holes)
- Water Pump
- RAM Heavy Duty Pedestal Fan
- Natural Sunlight
- CANNA Aqua A and B
- SUPERthrive
- VitaLink Chill

Late Entry
Meet Iana, our Grow Hub manager over on our Grow Hub Instagram page
- No system Hand-fed every day
- Grow hub poly tunnel
- Natural Sunlight
- Biobizz fish mix
- Botanicare Pure Blend Pro (Grow)
- Botanicare Liquid Karma
- Botanicare Rhizoblast
- VitaLink Turbo
- Superthrive
Challenges so far
Trying to grow the longest, possible record-breaking chilli wouldn’t be a CHALLENGE if there weren’t a few bumps along the way. Here’s a breakdown of some of the problems and solutions the reps have experienced in the challenge so far:
Week 2: Alex plant was unfortunately attacked by the dreaded bug – aphids! Alex has now sprayed her plant with Guard’n’Aid and will continue to do so. She has also put a fly catcher next to her plant to trap some of those pesky bugs before they get to the plant.
Week 4: Alex noticed same slight leaf curling on her plant, hopefully her previous use of Guard’n’Aid will reduce this over time.
Week 6: Alex replaced her GoGro pipes as they were clogged up with algae. Algae can be avoided by regularly changing out the water in your tank and cleaning it. She also noticed that she needed to top up her nutrient tank more.
Week 2: Dale also had the same aphid issue as Alex, also choosing to spray the plant with Guard’n’Aid.
Week 4: Dale was struggling to get the right pH in his nutrient tank and noticed some pests around his plant. He decided to empty his nutrient tank and refill it to improve his plant’ pH levels and health. He also sprayed Pest Off on the plant and added SUPERthrive into the nutrient mix.
Week 6: Dale has used PestOFF on his plant to fight his bug problems. He also decided to decrease his nutrient measurements after being given some advice from one of his shops. In warm temperatures, plants take in more water which means they can overdose on nutrient.
Week 8: Unfortunately, Dale’s plant died…but it’s not over yet! He’s started again with a new plant and is having another go.
Week 2: Harry’s fan tore the tent, with the cord getting caught in the fan. This was resolved by ensuring that all the tent ducting material was tightly secured around the fan and secured so it would not become loose again.
Week 4: Harry noticed the pH of his tank was too high and noticed aphids on his plant. He used VitaLink pH Down toalter the pH, changing it from 8 to 5.8. He also sprayed Pest Off to combat the aphids.
Week 5: Harry managed to revive his plant using SUPERthrive after it suffered heat stress. He has now altered the timing of the LUMii BRIGHT to 12 – 12 (on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours) to suit the flowering stage of his plant. Harry has also changed his base nutrient to Botanicare Bloom and is hoping to see some chillies soon!
Week 6: Harry now has his first chilli, measuring 6cm.
Week 8: Harry has strung his plant up to the tent poles as it has grown so much, gained more and more chillies and needed more support.
Brand Manager’s plant has had no issues so far! With the temperatures soaring, BM put a plan in place to make sure the heat would not affect his plant, adding a pedestal fan and a wireless thermostat to his set-up.
Week 4: BM has decided to leave the flowers on his chilli plant for as long as possible before removing them.
Week 6: BM’s chillies are coming along nicely; he has gone the extra mile created a wooden structure around his plants to support them.
Issue: Kyle noticed that his tank was bowing slightly due to the size of the plant.
Solution: Kyle secured the plant with cable ties to make sure it won’t fall in.
Week 4: After getting some advice from CANNA’s Pieter Klaassen, Kyle removed the flowers from his plant in a bid to encourage growth. He also used Guard’n’Aid spray to try and get rid of any aphids.
Week 6: Kyle has doubled his weekly visits so he can keep up with his plant water intake. He is now allowing his flowers to grow and will hopefully see some chillies soon!
Week 4: Danny has made sure his tank is topped up regularly in the heat and has sprayed a HALO solution every 3 days. He also welcomed his first chilli!
Week 6: Danny’s plant was blown over (literally), in the windy weather. He has now added bamboo canes to give his plant more support.
Week 8: Iana joined the challenge late but is still a strong contender for growing the longest chilli! Iana has luckily had no issues with her plants so far, with her preventative method of spraying with Guard’n’Aid Healthy Leaf and Bud has worked a treat.
Stats – League Table

Make sure you’re following all the reps on Instagram to keep up with the #HGChilliChallenege!
DALE – @dale.hydrogarden
ALEX – @alexhydrogarden
HARRY – @harryhydrogarden
KYLE – @kyle_hydrogarden
DANNY – @dannyhydrogarden